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Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Love From a Book Club

It's a gratifying feeling to be loved by a book club.

Last weekend my friend Carole Crow invited me to come meet with her bookclub, the Summit View Lake Book Club. They had chosen my latest release, Not Bound By Blood,
as their recent book-of-the-month read.This was a new experience for me and I didn't know what to expect.

I walked into her living room and found myself surrounded by interested readers, eager to share their pleasurable experience and loaded with questions. From their comments and questions, I learned just how successfully I had accomplished my goal to write this particular story.

Questions about the fate of a couple minor characters told me I had failed to satisfy my readers adequately. But the comments about how they were able to step into my story's timeline and remarks about the details I included really helped them feel the authenticity of what they were reading.

They wanted to know how I came to be an author and some about the path my writing life has taken. I shared my experiences and gave them a glimpse into my world of writing and publishing. There was even an opportunity over Clay's (Carole's husband) delicious snacks to chat with on who kept referring to herself as a newbie. She shared the road her writing had taken her and I encouraged her to keep in touch, let me know her progress to publication.

It was so rewarding to hear complete strangers express the pleasure they'd gotten from reading my book. If any of my author friends ever receive an invitation to meet with a book club, I urge you to jump at the chance to sit down with some of your readers and become better acquainted.

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