Recently I was invited to come speak about my books and life as an author to the 20th Century Club in Gilmer. This was a new experience for me. Even after all these years, I still fight to overcome my reluctance to talk to strangers about myself.
The group of ladies were so warm and welcoming that I soon felt at ease. They had asked me to talk specifically about Troubled Times, a novel that had been written and published quite a few years back. In fact, this is the book that took me to visit my alma mater Norwich Free Academy to address the joint high school classes there. But that's another story. Perhaps at a later date I'll write about the book tour I arranged.
With no prepared notes other than the selection of a couple passages I'd decided to share from the book, I rambled on about the story I chose to tell and my motivation for telling it. A bit intimidating for this transplanted Yankee to be explaining to a roomful of Southern Belles.
But that familiar Southern graciousness filled the room and when the questions came, it pleased me to hear such thoughtful responses.
All in all, it was an enjoyable experience, especially the delicious spread urged upon me after the meeting. Most especially rewarding was the eagerness to own copies of my books which I just happened to bring with me.
And to think, this all came about because a fellow author had invited me months previously to set up a display of my books at her store when the town was holding a special event.
It all comes down to taking advantage of the opportunities offered and never let your personal sense of inadequacies hold you back.