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Sunday, July 1, 2018

July Ultimate Blog Challenge - accept

Day One of July Blog Challenge. The word of the day is accept. Accept that this road I travel will require me to traverse the valleys and conquer the mountains. It is in facing those rougher stretches of life that I become more than I began with.

Over the past fifteen months, I experienced life accelerating to a higher speed. The death of my husband of fifty-nine year -- which, incidentally happened the day of our wedding anniversary -- precipitated an onslaught of changes. Changes that forced me to make decisions and choices I'd never faced before in my lifetime.

In that short span of time, I've acted on many of the recommendations a newly-widowed person is advised not to do. I've bought a replacement car ( something I've never done before myself), bought a house (with my son so he could live close by),  been reunited with a granddaughter & took her in (long story there) and moved a brother with early Alzheimer's closer so I could oversee his needs.

It's been a stressful rocky road but I've managed to come through pretty much intact. It really is truth that God never gives you more than you can handle...and equips you for the tasks you face.


  1. Beautiful post. I'm grateful to have encountered your site. I applaud you for embracing life and moving forward, even if it's things you "aren't supposed to do." I look forward to the rest of your posts in the challenge!

  2. This is such a powerful post and I am so sorry for your loss. But I applaud you for what your doing and helping others is a Blessing and your right God will not give us more than we can handle and I like the word you chose.

  3. Thank you for sharing, I am looking forward to the posts that you will be sharing with us over the month of July.

    1. Thank you for stopping by.

    2. This challenge is getting me writing again after a long absence.

  4. Merci beaucoup for sharing ...you've touched my heart and soul !

    1. so appreciate you taking time to comment. thank you.

  5. Love your post and feel honoured to be given the opportunity to read about that very deep and personal part of your life. I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  6. Yes. Yes. Yes. Forget what the pundits say. Acceptance is the key! I love how you've taken life head on. I would love to get to know you better through this blog. I'm definitely coming back here!

  7. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You're one strong person, and I cannot wait to hear more of how you're handling this crazy thing we call life.
