About Me

Monday, January 22, 2018

Down Memory's Path

Had to drive my brother to a meeting in Mineola and decided to treat myself to someone else's cooking. It was my first time back to Kitchen's  since my husband died last March. We frequented this place for a late breakfast often. Seemed a bit odd to be sitting at a table alone.

I perused the menu and decided I was hungry enough to order a Western Omelet. Memory click - this was the very first meal I ordered after my arrival in Texas. I won't confess how many years ago.

As I ate, faint strains of a radio playing in adjacent room drifted my way. At one point, I recognized Willie Nelson singing his famous Pancho Villa song. My husband thought old Willie was one of the greatest, right along with Johnny Cash, and this tune was a favorite of his.

Surprisingly, I didn't shed any tears although I have to confess, at times, the brought-back memories did threaten to overwhelm.


  1. Such a great memory, Gay! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Memories like these are a blessing. Even with the tears.
