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Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Bad Weather? Good Reading Time

We've managed to survive a couple weeks of real winter for our part of the country. Freezing temps kept me inside, huddled next to a heater. To be honest, once I got my body to a comfortable temperature, I really didn't mind being housebound. It gave lots of time to read.

Wasn't aware of how many books I'd gotten read in such a short span of time. So...what have I been reading? Here's a list of books that helped me pass those long, cold hours.

  1. The Man Who Talks To Strangers by Caleb Pirtle III
  1. The Little Town With a Big Heart by Michael Hawron
  1. The Scribe Midnight BBQ by Guy Morgan
  1. The Encouragement Letters by Shanna Spence 
  1. All The Way Home by Mariellen Langworthy 
There were also a couple I'd downloaded to my Kindle: The Bridesmaid Got Waylaid by my friend, Kassy Paris and  Marriage and Murder by another favorite author, Diane Harman.

With a change in weather this past weekend, I abandoned my to-be-read stack and spent several pleasant hours out of doors, cleaning out flower beds. In doing so, I was pleasantly surprised to see the green shoots of daffodils are already are couple inches high.

Spring can't be very far behind.

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